Peru Chiclayo Mission - March 2013-2015

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Got a little dirty and cut up, spider bite, haka, and set 2 bapstism dates - all in a week's work!

Today we went to the beach as a zone and it was a lot of fun. We played a lot of little games and we ran around in the sand. Then we went to the pencionista of Pimentel and she made us chicken and potatoes. But the chicken was a little raw and so I hope I don't get too sick hahaha. 

I am so happy that your summer is going amazing and that you guys are doing the family history work. That is something that I want to get into to be honest when I get home and have more time to be able to see everything. I am so happy that you have temple work to do and I know that as a family we will be able to receive many blessings (: 

Well I have something to say that will make dad proud haha. So we have zone meetings every Tuesday after district meetings and we have decided to show a talent after each zone meeting and this week it was our turn to do it. My companion sang and I did not want to sing in front of DID THE HAKA!!!! Really I probably murdered it because I couldn't really remember the words so I just threw in some words at the parts I didn't really know but everyone was laughing so hard and they were like terrified at the same time! It was hilarious and a lot of fun. Now everyone wants me to keep doing it over and over again haha.

Also a funny story. This past Thursday night we were running late for an appointment and we really needed to hurry because we had a meeting with the mission president and the stake president and so we started to run to the appointment. I had this folder in my hand and to be funny I pretended that it was a gun and started to pretend to shoot my companion. I was a little turned to the side, looking at him, and running very fast...when...boom!! My foot tripped over a rock and I went falling down....hard!!! Hahaha I got dirt all over in my hair, on my shirt, pants and bag!!! It was pretty hilarious, even though it hurt! The worst thing was that I had a meeting with the presidents that night! I went a little dirty and cut up but we all just had a good laugh hahaha (:

Also another bad thing that happened to me, was that Friday morning I woke up with a huge spider bite on the right side of my bottom lip and it hurt so bad and it hurt to eat and talk but it's about gone now (: hahaha oh the mission.....

We are gonna have two baptisms for the 2nd of August! With a girl named Annie who is 11 years old. Her brother was less active but we were able to re activate him. Also with a boy named Daniel who is 13. The cool thing is that they are cousins and so they will be able to get baptized together (:

Dad, thanks for your thoughts about unselfishness being the key to all happy relationships. That is something I need to work on with my companions. It always helps just to be humble and serve them. Something I have learned is to love them no matter who they are. My comp and I get in some arguments here and there but I am really learning to be more humble with him and I try to help him. We really are working really hard and we try to be examples for the zone and we try to help them as much as possible. 

Dad!!! Happy Birthday!!!! I really wish that you have had an incredible day. You really deserve it. You have always been my number 1 hero and I look up to you a lot and I hope to be like you one day. Honestly. I have learned so much from you throughout my years and while I've been on my mission. I thank you for always providing for me and being by my side supporting me in everything. In sports, school, work, my life, and my mission. I really would love to call you so I could keep thanking you, but my time is short. Thank you for being an amazing example for our family and for always loving us no matter what. Heavenly Father will bless you. I love you Dad.

That is all. I love you! He loves you
Elder Smith

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