Man I love you all so very much!
Wednesday I got my visa! After we were
done teaching Miguel, we looked at the phone and we had a missed call from the
Ap's. We called them back and told me I got my visa and will be leaving the
13th! Ah! I just couldn't believe it! it is so crazy now to think I will be
leaving to Peru and I can't wait (: But we taught Joanna Mata and her Daughter.
Felipe, he moved to New Mexico because they got in a fight. So I think I am
going to try and call so that we can have the missionaries go and visit him.
But Joanna and her daughter has a date set for the 24th of August or so. I
won't be able to be there but they are so strong and committed so they will for
sure get baptized.
Thursday we bikes about 10 miles in 110
degree weather or so and it was terrible. The terrible part was that no one was
really home! But this day was Elder Duff's 1 year mark and so the Ordonez
family (members) got us some pizza and we celebrated it.
Friday nothing really happened so I
will just skip to Saturday (: We had a cool experience. We were teaching Miguel
in the Afternoon. If you remember he is 18 and is going to be a senior. He has
a lot of Mormon friends. He doesn't really believe in God, but he always reads
and pray just like we invite him to do. Well that night, the Zone Leaders had a
baptism so we invited him to go with us and he went! After the baptism, I had
the chance to talk to him. I asked him how he thought about it and he said it
was really cool! Haha then I said, that is going to be you one day right? And
he said, I hope so because everyone here looks very happy! I am so stoked to go
back and teach him because I am going to set a date with him!
Sunday, I had the chance to bare my
testimony at least one more time in sacrament meeting here. But this time, I
was actually able to say a legit testimony, not just something I had memorized.
After, a lot of members said my Spanish has increased a lot! Elder Duff said I
am basically fluent but I don't think it is true! But I am so blessed that I am
able to speak a lot more! (:
Well, my last full week in the states.
I am going to go all out! This week, I am going to run myself in the ground,
because I just want to end this part of my mission running hard! This past
week, we had the most member present lessons in the zone with 27!
Few Questions...Were you able to get my
email for Allison? Also a really important question. What is the correct
address for my Peru mission? You gave me the print out stickers but one is
different than the other so please email me back asap so that I can have the
correct address.
I am so happy for what you all have done for me and thanks for
Love you all. He loves you.
Elder Smith
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