Chiclayo Peru is where it's at! |
Representing Lehi 26th ward! Elders Ty Skousen and Jake Smith |
My Companions, Elders Quiroz and Winward |
Hi Family!!!!!
I am so excited that it's P-day because it's been one
stressful, hard, exciting, and LONG week!!! When I got here, I saw Braiden in a
room writing letters and I screamed his name and gave him a huge hug! It's
crazy that I have seen so many people I know here! Including, Ty Skousen, Bret
Bartholemew, Braiden Thorpe, and a couple other kids from school! Seeing all of
my friends have really helped me out because we get to talk to each other and
just hug each other! It's also amazing that Braiden and Ty have gym with
me...or should I say Elder Skousen, and Elder Thorpe haha we ball it up.
By then though, the MTC was still really hard because I
had to get used to waking up early and just study all the way until 10:30 at
night, I found that I was really stressed and I put negative thoughts in my
mind. My companions and I kept asking other missionaries when the MTC gets
better, they said it will get better on Sunday.
So Easter came along and it was fast sunday, I had the
opportunity to bare my testimony in Spanish with my zone! I didn't know that I
could do it, even though my testimony was pretty short, I felt the spirit so
strongly. Later, the rumor was that one of the 12 apostles would come and
speak. But it just so happened that a Presiding Bishop from the 70 came. It was
pretty good but he said nothing I needed to hear and so I was still a little
bit bummed of how hard the MTC and I still wanted to know when it would get
Later that night, we had the opportunity to watch a film of
a talk given by Elder Bednar. It's called the Character of Christ and it
changed my entire outlook on a mission. He said that this mission is not about
us, it's about the people that we will need to teach. We need to be more like
Christ and look outward, rather than being selfish and look inward. He said
that God's plan is made to work, it does not fail. This talk was an answer to
my prayer. It made me realize that God is with me and that he will help me.
Monday came along and it was just a normal day, study hard,
learn Spanish, teach in Spanish, and eat haha but I noticed that I was a lot
happier about my mission and I knew that it's my time to serve. Although the
MTC will never get any easier, neither will the rest of the mission, but what
helps is to just have an amazing time and make the best of what you're doing
and have a smile on your face! I am feeling the spirit a lot more! Yesterday,
in our Spanish lesson with our fake investigator, we were able to commit him to
baptism. This shows that all of my hard work is paying off and that I am
learning Spanish quite easily. I am doing my best, and that is all I need to
do! Also, we went and did Initiatories this morning at the Provo temple and the
Spirit was amazing! I am just so happy right now and I just love working as a
missionary and I love to put on my missionary name tag every morning and to
have his name, written over my heart, is such a wonderful blessing.
Alright time to answer some of your questions.
-I don't think I will get to be a host because my PDay is on
Wednesday but I hope they will give us a chance because my host was so sincere
and he helped me have an incredible first day. I would love to make a new
missionary happy.
-Since we have 3 trios in my district, (Me and my two
companions) (A sister trio that is going to Arequipa Peru) (the other trio is
elders, going to Arequipa as well) The branch president said that he wants to
split us up and put one of us with an Arequipa elder but we haven't split up
yet. But most likely Me and Elder Winward will be companions with just the two
of us.
-I'm happy that you guys are having a good spring break and
I pray for you guys everyday and night (: Mom thanks for working so hard for
our family. You are so amazing and I love you soooo much!!
-Also, I really wish I had some of that fruit dip, but don't
worry, I wont forget what it tastes like!!!
-Thank you so much for you package on Easter! I ate almost
all of it already and your lesson was sooo creative and I really felt the
spirit as I followed along to it!
-Also, Paige's package was so wonderful! Thanks for telling
her what I like! I will be eating all of those treats soon (:
-My teachers are very nice and very helpful! Although, I
feel that they are expecting us to do so much! We teach almost everyday in
Spanish but I know it's such a blessing because their techniques really work!!
-The food here is just alright, but I eat so much of it! It's
kinda hard not to eat a lot when its a buffet. I haven't had the cordon bleu yet
though but I'm looking forward to it because I heard it's Jordan's favorite.
Also, their "steak" tastes like tuna....gross.
-My favorite part so far about the MTC is teaching and
speaking as much as I can in Spanish because I love to do it!!! It's so much
fun and I like making little jokes in Spanish, such as: Espanol es
estupido de retardo. Because even though it's fun to speak. It's hard and
confusing but I cant wait to know it! I just need patience, and I'm working
really hard to get it.
I love you all so very much and I feel your prayers! I'm
praying for you and I hope you have an incredible week! Please don't worry about
me because I am fine and I'll never turn my back on the lord (: thanks for all
your support.
I love you. He loves you. See you Soon.
Elder Smith
I cant thank you enough for the dear elders that i have
received from you this week. that exodus scripture was so amazing and it put me
right at ease! I shared it with my companions and they loved it so much! Dad
thank you for your support. It's really hard here and sometimes I feel like
bursting into tears but you're right it's just a hard phase! I have my ups and
downs everyday. I am becoming a lot more happier with myself
and what I am doing here. Its too bad that Byu lost but they never really make
it anywhere far in basketball! That's crazy about wichita state! I like them,
but their mascot is disgusting haha. That leg accident put a disgusting look on
my face! That's crazy! The food is just okay, i don't really like it but I still
eat a lot. Dad I love you so much and thanks for all of your hard work that you
put into our family. You are such an inspiration and you have already helped me
so much while I'm on my mission!
I love you
He loves you
See you Soon
Elder Smith
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