Peru Chiclayo Mission - March 2013-2015
Thursday, April 25, 2013
My motto is to “Don’t leave anything behind”
Family (: I love you ALL so much!
That was a wonderful email Mom and it made me soooo happy! Don't really worry about the phone call thing, if it happens next Tuesday and nobody answers, they will let me call again so that I can tell you if I got my visa. Also, since this is the start of my fifth week, if I don't receive my visa by the end of this week, we will go and talk to the Travel Office and they will start working on our re-assignments! There is a sister missionary that is going to Peru and she didn't get her visa yet so she was supposed to leave this past week but they decided to keep her here for the next 2 weeks to see if her visa will come. If it still doesn't come then they will re-assign her temporarily, but for now she was put in our district. She is going to the Lima central mission and she is very nice! I just hope if my visa doesn't come I will be able to serve stateside for a bit because I don’t want to stay here for two more weeks. I am literally in the Lord's hands right now and so wherever he needs me to be is where I will serve and do my very best! One new thing I have learned here is that I am not that patient, and so I am grateful for this opportunity to force myself to be patient. I have come to the understanding that I’m in God's hands and wherever he needs me is where I will go, and do my absolute best! I need to be the best missionary I can be. My motto is to “don’t leave anything behind”.I try my best everyday and I try to be the best missionary that I can be, so that I will be led to those that need to hear the gospel!
That sucks for the jazz. I hope the Lakers gets smashed! Thanks for the updates! I hope Ziggy gets drafted to a good team! I am a little sad I won’t be able to attend the wedding but at least my cardboard buddy will be there haha! I bet Mom has the most unique ideas for the wedding, like she always does!
I miss ping-pong a lot! I bet Dad will be way good by the time I get back! but I’ll still beat him (; haha… probably not though...
That is really weird to think that we will be getting a new stake president! I am way happy that I got that chance to have those amazing interviews with President Lew! He is a really unique guy, and the blessing that he gave me was so powerful.
My Spanish is coming along! Each day it gets better and better. But these past few weeks we have been learning some hard rules about it. We are about done learning everything that we need to so we should be reviewing soon! Este evangelio es muy fantastico, y estoy muy agradecido por este oportunidad a servir Dios. Yo se que Dios es bendiciendo mi y nuestro familia por este servicio.
Dad, I really want to thank you for being such a great Dad to me as I have grown up. you have been there for me have always have taught me so many things! I hope that you have more good days than bad days with your stomach! But I know that you make the best of things no matter what! thanks so much for all that you have done. Thanks for being my best friend. Te quiero mucho papa. Dios le amo tambien.
I am so glad that Jordan finished school! I had the opportunity to fast for him this week, so I hope everything went well! It is so insane that he is getting married on Tuesday! I can’t even explain how excited I am for them! Elder Quiroz and I did sealings this morning and I couldn’t help but think of Jordan and Emily! It was so exciting to hear all of the blessings that they will be receiving! They both mean so very much to me and I only wish the best for them! I really hope that Jordan’s shoulder won't need surgery and that he will be okay! But whatever happens, it’s all part of the Lords plan!
I am so glad to hear that you all are doing very well and I hope Dad continues to have more good days, than bad days. He is such an inspiration to me and it’s amazing to see how he stays so happy! I bet the wedding stuff is kind of crazy but I seriously am so excited! I am sad I won’t be able to attend it but all my prayers go out to you guys! This past week I learned so much of the atonement, I was able to study the scriptures very hard and learn more about it, and it’s so amazing that Heavenly Father will forgive us because we are his children and he seriously wants the best for us! I know that with Him we won't fail! The atonement is such a wonderful thing! Heavenly Father forgives when we repent (:
There are a lot of sister missionaries here right now and it’s very cool to see all of the people I know that are here! The lines for food are sometimes very long! But it’s cool to think of all of the lives that will be changed from all of us missionaries!
--some funny and neat experiences
This past week we were sitting in class and Elder Winward broke his pen, and so he tried to throw it across the room to the garbage can but he is a bad aim and he nailed the computer screen! It totally broke! Luckily he didn’t have to pay for the new screen! They just replaced it, but it was still hilarious! We sometimes see that duck we always try to catch, but every time we just barely miss it! haha it’s so funny when we try! Also, that spot that I am pointing at is the spot where we dropped off Jordan just over 3 years ago!(see picture above) It's weird to think that I have been here longer than he ever was! It’s really crazy to think that I only have two more weeks here (hopefully). These weeks freaking fly!
Also, one night when we came back to our room, The room was trashed with all of these happy birthday signs hanging everywhere! (see picture) None of us even had a birthday! It's just that all of the other missionaries in our zone were leaving to the field so they decided to trash our room with all of their left over candy and snacks! But we didn’t complain because we have so much candy now. (: It’s weird though because our district is the oldest one in our zone now! We have come so far and we still have so many experiences to have! On Saturday, I’ll be gone a month! Time flies here and it’s crazy and so much fun!
The other picture is of our district before some of the hermanas left last week. One of our teachers, Sister Taylor, she is on the right, she served in L.A. and she is way nice! She is our hard “fake investigator".
Elder Quiroz and I are teaching a very hard "fake investigator" and tomorrow we are teaching her about the atonement! We also taught her a very good lesson (in Spanish) on Monday and I asked her if she would be baptized, "Seguira el ejemplo de jesucristo, al ser bautizada por alguien que posea la autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios?" and she said Yes! We never thought that she would be willing to be baptized but our lesson was so wonderful and she said it was so amazing and it touched her heart!
Well, I can’t wait to get your letter Mom! Also, thanks for the stamps, M&M's and little note you gave me! It really helped me have a better day! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL week and that the wedding is amazing! Hopefully I will be able to talk to you for 5 minutes about my visa or re-assignment! We will see! It's all up to the Lord and I just need to be patient!
Te Quiero Mucho. Dios le ama tambien.
Elder Smith
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
A blessing from an Apostle!
Family (:
Gosh, it is sooo great to
hear from you! You all seem so busy because of the wedding but all of the hard
work will pay off! I got the wedding tie and it is sooooo sick!!!! I can’t wait
to wear it on the 30th! I am so excited for all of you! That is insane about
Ty's luggage. I hope that he gets it soon - haha - that is such a bummer!
That's weird that my car is gone but I bet Brian really needs it and I hope
everything works out for the best for both Brian and Lauren... Oh, Mom!!!!!
I am so so so happy about your new job at the school! You are the perfect woman
to get that job and I know that you will excel in it because you try your
best at everything you do! When you said that it was your first missionary
blessing it really made me so happy and put a smile on my face!!!
I am so excited that Adam
Scott won the masters, and that Tiger’s caddy switched to him! haha poor
Tiger...NOT!!! I am so happy Scott won it! I wish I could have seen it though,
your Dear Elder made it sound crazy, and I bet it was so exciting to watch! I
hope the Jazz win tonight just to see how far they can get in the playoffs! I
just yelled out that Kobe is out for the season and everyone in the email room
started clapping – haha - it was funny. Oh, guess what I did at gym time!
I tied the MTC record of the most 3's in a row! I shot 17 in a row and I hope
to beat it soon! It was so awesome and I was stoked!
This past week has
been a crazy rollercoaster for me! Last Thursday they split up our trio, so they
made Elder Quiroz and me companions. We work really hard together and our
teacher says that we teach the best lessons (in Spanish). The teacher also said
that we are probably the best companionship. I do miss being with Elder Winward
though because I feel that we should be companions since we were supposed to be
at first, but I am happy to know that we are working hard. Also, I was made District
Leader! I really love being a leader here, I get to go to extra meetings every
Sunday and Tuesday and learn even more! I pick up the mail for
everyone, which is probably the best part of being district leader because the
missionary’s faces all light up to see that they have received mail, it's cool
to see!
It’s so amazing reading the
scriptures in the MTC! It feels like I get so much more out of them as a
missionary! Tuesday I received an answer to my prayer! But first, on Sunday was
choir practice for the Tuesday devotional and I had a feeling that I
needed to go sing, even though I didn’t want to. We sung “Nearer My God to Thee”
and it was very special. Then my answer came from an Apostle, Elder Richard G.
Scott!!!! He came and spoke to us at the devotional and it was the most
Spiritual meeting that I have ever been to!!! The Spirit hit me like a ton
of bricks and I felt at peace! His talk was about prayer. He said how important
it is to pray, even when we don’t feel like it. At the end of his talk, he said
had he received a prompting to give us an apostolic blessing. He blessed
us that we will be able to learn the language, and that the Lord will bend his
tasks to our abilities! This is exactly what I needed to hear! It was amazing
to receive that blessing from an Apostle! It gave me such peace and was the
answer to my prayer! After his talk, he sat back down and we sung the
closing hymn. Then he got back up to remind us that we have been Called of
God, and God doesn’t send missionaries out without help! It was such a neat
experience and such a blessing to hear this man of God! His testimony is
amazing! He said that he knows that God lives because he “knows” Him! How
crazy! I love this gospel so much and I'm happy we will be able to live
together forever. (:
So two sisters in my district
received their visas on Monday, they will be leaving tomorrow morning to the
Peru MTC. It’s weird because I may not see them again as they are going to the
Arequipa mission. An Elder from my zone got his too. They are starting to come!
Elder Quiroz and I were jealous and kind of sad that we didn’t receive ours
too, but we know that everything is up to the Lord. I still hope I receive mine
soon because it will give me that extra push I need right now. This past week
of Spanish has been so hard on me. We are starting to learn all of the past
tenses and conjugations and it sometimes gets overwhelming! I have been praying
a lot that I will receive comfort and that I will always remember, the Lord
will help me. If I receive my visa I will be able to call you for 5 minutes, so beware. (: I really hope I
get it soon! I just hope and pray every day to Heavenly Father to please let me
go to Peru soon, but we will see!
As for me, I don’t think that
I need anything special, to be honest and I really haven’t thought about what I
don't have here. You have been so nice with all of your packages and letters,
just hearing from you is all I need. Thanks for praying for me, I will do the
same for you.
Other than that, this week
has been pretty normal, going to class, studying hard, teaching in Spanish, and
going to bed! Each day feels like a week and every week feels like it’s
only a day! I can’t believe that it has been 3 weeks already and that I am
halfway done with the MTC. In three
weeks, I will go out into the field! I hope Spanish makes more sense this next
week, but if it doesn’t, I know that Lord will help me! I miss you all so very
much and I pray for you all the time! Please, everyone, be happy, and go
throughout your day with a smile because it will make your day that much
better! I have learned here that the Lord really listens to our prayers and
that he WANTS to hear us. Just pray to him, even when you don’t feel like
praying! I am so thankful to be a missionary at this time; it is so amazing to
be a part of the gospel 24/7. I hope you all have an incredible week and thanks
to all who have written me.
Well Dad, I want to share one
last thing with you before I go. This past week we each shared with our
district who our role model is, and mine is you. You go throughout life with a
smile and a laugh! You can fix anything and you have been through so much in
your life. You always make the best of
it! Thanks for your example to me and thanks for all of the support you have
always given me. I really needed it. I
love you so much dad. I hope your stomach gets a little better and I will pray
for you.
(Mom) you have been on my
mind so much, I love you so very much! You are a great example to me, do not
worry about me. (: I love you, keep working hard at everything you do. Thanks
for all of your support. Thanks for being the best Mom that I could ever ask
for. Honestly.
I love you. He loves
Elder Smith
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
He really listens to us
Family!!!!!!!! (: Gosh this past
week has flown by for me! Thank goodness because the first week went by super
slow! But I think it went by faster because of how busy things are here and I
am settling in a lot better! it's so crazy, but super exciting at the same
time!! I got your package today when I got back from the Provo Temple and thank
you for sending me all of my home snacks haha (: it seriously just lit up my
face and Jordan and Emily's wedding invitations are so awesome! it's probably
the best one I have seen so far! they both look so great in them! I don't know
if I was supposed to get the tie, but I have not gotten one yet. hopefully soon
I will be able to get it (: can't wait!
Conference here at the MTC was a lot
different than home. When they announced how many missionaries were out in the
field, it made me feel so special to know that I was one of those missionaries!
Also, every time they talked about the missionaries, I literally got chills! It
was so weird though not being with you guys! I kept thinking of your amazing
brunch that you always make, and how fun it must have been to be there for
Toby's first priesthood session! But I am so happy for you guys! The spirit
here is sooo strong and I love everything that I learn everyday! It was also
cool to hear about marriage and family, it was so perfect for Jordan and Emily.
My favorite talk was Neil L. Anderson's, it was the Sundays morning session. He
talked about missionary work and it made me so happy and excited for this
opportunity I have to serve the Lord for 2 years.
My favorite scripture for my
missionary plaque is Alma 26:12 and it talks about not boasting of myself, but
boasting of Heavenly Father.
We have no idea of when our visas
are coming! We did hear of some Elder that got his visa last week and he's
going to the Lima mission. So I just heard something amazing! on our way to go
do laundry we met these sister missionaries going all over in Peru! they said
that one sister that is going to Chiclayo got her visa yesterday at 5 pm! and
she left this morning at 5 am! isn't that exciting? I guess I could get mine
pretty soon I hope and leave there(: the only thing is that she sent her visa
stuff in January while some other sister said that they sent her visa
stuff in November. so I guess it doesn't really matter when you sent it in! but
it's cool to see that I could leave!
We all keep saying that we don't
feel that we will go to the MTC there. Which is kind of okay for me because I
am learning so much Spanish and so much gospel knowledge here anyway (: I just
want to go to Peru on time but I know it's up to the lord. but yeah I did
see Tanner Boyack haha it was sweet, but that's sooooo funny and soooo mean
what he did to his class haha what a good joke (:
Speaking of jokes, me, Elder Winward,
and another Elder from our district, Elder Murdock, going to Arequipa Peru,
we pranced Elder Quiroz last night haha we just did the good ole fashion
shaving cream on his face and made him itch it all over! it was super funny!
Elder Quiroz is kind of the person that we mess around with but he knows we are
joking and we all love each other (: it really feels like I am supposed to be
here! And my call is really inspired!
Some cool and funny experiences I
had this week:
-One night, after gym, we came back
to our room and realized that none of us had our key and so we were locked out
of our room. So on our way to the front office to get a key, we saw some ducks
walking on the MTC campus, so me and Elder Winward looked at each other for
about 2 seconds, and then looked back at the ducks and started to run at them! hahaha
we both were so close to catching them in our bare hands! Elder Winward about
caught one of the ducks while it was flying! I just love all of our funny
experiences with each other (:
-One cool experience I had was just
while we taught a new fake investigator. My Spanish is really increasing and I
was able to say everything I needed to. Although I am nowhere near close
to understanding all of the lessons, my Spanish is coming along very well and I
am able to remember many words and I know it's because of the lords help and
his love for the missionaries (: I am also able to feel the spirit so strongly
in our lessons! even though it is in Spanish!
-Also, almost every day we go to the
gym and I dominated! I made like every 3! it was so much fun to play with Braiden
and Ty (: ill sure miss seeing Ty here but it's so exciting to think that he is
in Chile right now!
Representing the Lehi 26th ward: Elders Smith, Bartholomew, and Skousen! |
I'm soooo glad I was able to be in the MTC with one of my very best friends, Braiden Thorpe. |
Look who I saw right when he got here! Gotta love Garrett Bolles! |
-I am also able to pray and bare my
testimony quite well in Spanish! I just love it! Things have gotten so much
better here and I really feel happy! I was also able to eat the chicken cordon bleu
that Jordan was talking about and he was right, it's the best thing here, besides
Sunday ice cream day (:
-I hope you all have such a
wonderful day and know that I love you and I pray for you! keep working
hard at everything you do and just ask heavenly father for help if you are
feeling down because he really listens to us.
Yo se que Jesucristo es mi salvador.
Yo se que la iglesia es la verdadera iglesia en la tierra. Yo se que Padre
Celestial escuchars a nos. Yo se que Jose Smith fue a profeta de Dios. Yo se que
Thomas S. Monson es a profeta de hoy. Estoy agradecido por mi family y por
Jesucristo y por ustedes amor para me. Yo se que el libro de mormon es la palabra
de Dios y es muy importante. Yo se que el Espiritu Santos es mi amigo y que
el Espiritu Santos ayudame. Yo se que tiemplo y misionaro trabajar es muy importante
por nuestro vivas. Estoy agradecido por mi oportunidad a ser a misionero. Gracias
por todo hace por mi. Te quiero mucho mucho. En el nombre de jesucristo
(I'm sorry if my grammar isn't good,
they haven't really taught us anything about that yet)
Have an amazing week everyone and
just know I'm doing amazing!
I love you. He loves You. See you
Elder Smith
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
I love to put on my missionary name tag every morning!
Chiclayo Peru is where it's at! |
Representing Lehi 26th ward! Elders Ty Skousen and Jake Smith |
My Companions, Elders Quiroz and Winward |
Hi Family!!!!!
I am so excited that it's P-day because it's been one
stressful, hard, exciting, and LONG week!!! When I got here, I saw Braiden in a
room writing letters and I screamed his name and gave him a huge hug! It's
crazy that I have seen so many people I know here! Including, Ty Skousen, Bret
Bartholemew, Braiden Thorpe, and a couple other kids from school! Seeing all of
my friends have really helped me out because we get to talk to each other and
just hug each other! It's also amazing that Braiden and Ty have gym with
me...or should I say Elder Skousen, and Elder Thorpe haha we ball it up.
By then though, the MTC was still really hard because I
had to get used to waking up early and just study all the way until 10:30 at
night, I found that I was really stressed and I put negative thoughts in my
mind. My companions and I kept asking other missionaries when the MTC gets
better, they said it will get better on Sunday.
So Easter came along and it was fast sunday, I had the
opportunity to bare my testimony in Spanish with my zone! I didn't know that I
could do it, even though my testimony was pretty short, I felt the spirit so
strongly. Later, the rumor was that one of the 12 apostles would come and
speak. But it just so happened that a Presiding Bishop from the 70 came. It was
pretty good but he said nothing I needed to hear and so I was still a little
bit bummed of how hard the MTC and I still wanted to know when it would get
Later that night, we had the opportunity to watch a film of
a talk given by Elder Bednar. It's called the Character of Christ and it
changed my entire outlook on a mission. He said that this mission is not about
us, it's about the people that we will need to teach. We need to be more like
Christ and look outward, rather than being selfish and look inward. He said
that God's plan is made to work, it does not fail. This talk was an answer to
my prayer. It made me realize that God is with me and that he will help me.
Monday came along and it was just a normal day, study hard,
learn Spanish, teach in Spanish, and eat haha but I noticed that I was a lot
happier about my mission and I knew that it's my time to serve. Although the
MTC will never get any easier, neither will the rest of the mission, but what
helps is to just have an amazing time and make the best of what you're doing
and have a smile on your face! I am feeling the spirit a lot more! Yesterday,
in our Spanish lesson with our fake investigator, we were able to commit him to
baptism. This shows that all of my hard work is paying off and that I am
learning Spanish quite easily. I am doing my best, and that is all I need to
do! Also, we went and did Initiatories this morning at the Provo temple and the
Spirit was amazing! I am just so happy right now and I just love working as a
missionary and I love to put on my missionary name tag every morning and to
have his name, written over my heart, is such a wonderful blessing.
Alright time to answer some of your questions.
-I don't think I will get to be a host because my PDay is on
Wednesday but I hope they will give us a chance because my host was so sincere
and he helped me have an incredible first day. I would love to make a new
missionary happy.
-Since we have 3 trios in my district, (Me and my two
companions) (A sister trio that is going to Arequipa Peru) (the other trio is
elders, going to Arequipa as well) The branch president said that he wants to
split us up and put one of us with an Arequipa elder but we haven't split up
yet. But most likely Me and Elder Winward will be companions with just the two
of us.
-I'm happy that you guys are having a good spring break and
I pray for you guys everyday and night (: Mom thanks for working so hard for
our family. You are so amazing and I love you soooo much!!
-Also, I really wish I had some of that fruit dip, but don't
worry, I wont forget what it tastes like!!!
-Thank you so much for you package on Easter! I ate almost
all of it already and your lesson was sooo creative and I really felt the
spirit as I followed along to it!
-Also, Paige's package was so wonderful! Thanks for telling
her what I like! I will be eating all of those treats soon (:
-My teachers are very nice and very helpful! Although, I
feel that they are expecting us to do so much! We teach almost everyday in
Spanish but I know it's such a blessing because their techniques really work!!
-The food here is just alright, but I eat so much of it! It's
kinda hard not to eat a lot when its a buffet. I haven't had the cordon bleu yet
though but I'm looking forward to it because I heard it's Jordan's favorite.
Also, their "steak" tastes like tuna....gross.
-My favorite part so far about the MTC is teaching and
speaking as much as I can in Spanish because I love to do it!!! It's so much
fun and I like making little jokes in Spanish, such as: Espanol es
estupido de retardo. Because even though it's fun to speak. It's hard and
confusing but I cant wait to know it! I just need patience, and I'm working
really hard to get it.
I love you all so very much and I feel your prayers! I'm
praying for you and I hope you have an incredible week! Please don't worry about
me because I am fine and I'll never turn my back on the lord (: thanks for all
your support.
I love you. He loves you. See you Soon.
Elder Smith
I cant thank you enough for the dear elders that i have
received from you this week. that exodus scripture was so amazing and it put me
right at ease! I shared it with my companions and they loved it so much! Dad
thank you for your support. It's really hard here and sometimes I feel like
bursting into tears but you're right it's just a hard phase! I have my ups and
downs everyday. I am becoming a lot more happier with myself
and what I am doing here. Its too bad that Byu lost but they never really make
it anywhere far in basketball! That's crazy about wichita state! I like them,
but their mascot is disgusting haha. That leg accident put a disgusting look on
my face! That's crazy! The food is just okay, i don't really like it but I still
eat a lot. Dad I love you so much and thanks for all of your hard work that you
put into our family. You are such an inspiration and you have already helped me
so much while I'm on my mission!
I love you
He loves you
See you Soon
Elder Smith
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